Saint Christopher of Valencia (Spain) brotherhood was established in 1399 by the king Martin the Human.
It has been present in our city life for many centuries. In 1993 a new period starts with the recovery of the external celebration that every 10 th July is hold in honour of Saint Christopher in the surroundings of the monastery of the same name.
It is located near Alboraya street of Valencia city, in the populous Trinity neighbourhood. In these pages you might find the history of the Image and its brotherhood as well as different subjects related to St. Christopher, mainly referred to Valencia city.
In “LINKS” you can find others festivities of our city that as ours, are organized every year not only with a big effort but also with much illusion on the part of its members (clavarios*, festeros, cofrades... )
(*) Clavario is a valencian word that originates to CLAU (key) and nowadays it is used to designate people who organize a holiday/ceremony .
This small "palmerita" is the symbol of our celebration. It is accomplished in paste of rosquilleta and is given, in the Mass of St. Cristóbal, after being blessed
It is like a little palm with that the saint is represented
The Confraternity of San Cristóbal of Valencia has organized various acts to celebrate the festivity of the saint of the travellers and drivers.
As a remarkable event we can mention the greater Mass celebrate in valencian style that it took place at 19 hour in the Monastery of St. Cristóbal, located in Poeta Bodría street. From that hour there were a great number and variety of ancient vehicles, that participated in the event, gathering along Alboraya street.
At 20 hour the ancient cars round of St. Cristóbal 2018 left. The cars travelled some streets of the neighbourhood to coming back to Alboraya street crossing the bridge of the Trinidad.
The image of St. Cristóbal was put on the dais that was installed in the crossing between Poeta Bodría and Alboraya streets to the benediction of the vehicles that started minutes later.
The ancient cars, firemen, policeman, buses and also motorcycles and private cars participated in the event .
After the benediction of the canes it took place the procession that travelled various streets, visiting the casales of Falla Molinell-Alboraya and Falla Trinitat -Alboraya. After a noisy mascletá, the celebration ended with the traditional snack that the fraternity offered to everybody
REED DAY 06-20
The 20th June, the Confraternity of St. Cristóbal of Valencia has remembered an ancient tradition of medieval origin, that consists of giving as an offering a reed to the image of the saint-patron of the drivers
The Confraternity has attempted to combine this ancient tradition with the distribution of the programmes and little palms to trades and the neighbourhood of Alboraya street
The act has been notable for the children of our Confraternity,.
After the reed offering in the Monastery of St. Cristóbal, situated in the Poeta Bodría street, it was served a little snack with some horchata, some shakes, some rosquilletas and some fartons
This act has served to announce to the neighbourhood the programmed acts with occasion of the festivity of St. Cristóbal, the next 10th of July.
Last 21 December took place the extraordinary Christmas Arrangement. Organized by the Confraternity of St. Christopher of Valencia.
The Corus AAACM de Valencia acted disinterestedly, delighting to the people present with a selection of typical carols.